Producer Company

Producer Company Registration In Udaipur

Producer company registration in Rajasthan is registered under the Companies Act which is set up with the mutual objectives of agricultural production and post-harvesting processing activities. Put together a Producer company in Udaipur is like a cluster of farmers who have joined hands to improve their income.


Registration Of Producer Company in Udaipur


The incorporation of the Producer Company in Udaipur is governed under the Companies Act, 2013. The concept of a Producer Company was introduced to safeguard the interest of farmers and agri institutions only. Formation of a Producer Company in Udaipur can be done by a group of farmers or institutions. We at Easy File India provide the best services for the registration of Producer Company in Udaipur.

    The method of registration of the Producer company

  • First, our experts will help proposed producer company directors obtain DSC and DIN. Once the DSC and DIN have been obtained, an application for registration must be submitted to the Registrar of Companies and company name should end with ‘ Producer Limited Company’.
  • After obtaining the name approval of the ROC, an application for incorporation is submitted in the prescribed format for registration of the producer company at Udaipur.
  • If the Registrar is satisfied with an application for registration of a producer company at Udaipur, a certificate is issued.
  • The activities of a producer company are similar to a private limited company. There is no limit on the number of members for registering a producer company in Udaipur, unlike a private limited company.
  • We aim to educate the business on legal and regulatory requirements and be a partner throughout the business cycle. We offer support at every level to ensure your business gets the most out of it.